I am excited because I am going to see Water for Elephants tomorrow. I think that I will probably be going by myself, but I don't care. It will be 2 hours of pure bliss where I can get lost in a movie! I talked my BFF, Haylie (previously mentioned), into reading the book this week so that we could go see the movie together in a few weeks when she and her family come to visit. So she read the book in about 1.5 hours (which is typically how she reads books) and then called and said that she couldn't wait that long to see the movie and she was going without me this weekend. What a friend, huh?! So I figure I'll go see it by myself this weekend too and will enjoy every minute of the alone time!
Okay, now I want to do a follow-up to yesterday's "I'm not a fan" post. This is the "I'm a HUGE fan of:" post! So, here it is. I'm sure this will be an ongoing list as well.
I'm a HUGE fan of:
#1: The Joovy Caboose sit and stand stroller - We found this at Hudson's a few weeks before Lillian was born for a great price. I had decided not to get one and that Taelyn was just old enough to walk when we go somewhere, but this was such a good price so we went ahead and purchased it. And I am so glad that we did. I used it yesterday for the first time to walk around the block and it was wonderful! Taelyn could sit on the bench seat in the back, or stand on the platform. She was able to jump on and off as she wanted to and it really was wonderful. It is also very easy to steer. I haven't folded it up yet to go in the car, so I'll have to keep you posted on that aspect. Everything else I really liked about it though.
#2: The Boppy lounger. I had the regular Boppy pillow (the intertube looking thing) with Taelyn and I never used it. I pulled it back out to use with Lillian and I still haven't used it. Scott has used it more than me! But the Boppy lounger I love!! Haylie let me borrow this (as well as a whole myriad of other items) and I have used it so much. It is great to prop Lillian up in. She likes being able to sit in it and look around and what is going on around her!
#3: The Snuggle Nest: which Haylie also let me borrow (okay, I guess all of this stuff that I am using of hers makes up for the whole movie bit). This is like a little bed that you can take with you. I think the real purpose of it is if you want your baby to sleep in the bed with you (which we don't), but I have this inside her bassinet and she sleeps really well in it. It also has this wonderful nightlight on it. The first few nights we slept with Scott's closet light on, but it was way too much light. I realized that I could just turn on this little nightlight when I needed to change and feed Lillian during the night and it was the perfect amount of light. Love it!
I'll keep this list going! I have to find some laundry to do or something else to keep me busy now or I am going to fall asleep sitting straight up.
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