...continued from the previous list...
#4: Peanut Shell sling: I had a sling with Taelyn that my sister-in-law passed on to me, but I never felt comfortable using it. I only tried it a few times and then I gave up. I wanted to get a sling that I felt more comfortable with this time around because with a 3 year old I knew it would be important for me to have both hands free. I LOVE this sling! I've used it a pretty good amount at this point and I have gotten really comfortable with it. And Lillian loves it! She gets so snuggled in and comfy in there and it is just like I am holding her. She usually falls asleep in it. I was worried at first about all of the negative publicity surrounding slings and babies suffocating in them, but if you get the baby positioned in it correctly I don't think it is a concern at all. I plan on using this thing with all of the different holds as Lillian gets older. I even carried Taelyn on my hip with it one day and was perfectly comfortable!
#5: Summer Baby Touch monitor: I am in love with this monitor! We didn't have a video monitor with Taelyn and both agreed that we wanted one with Lillian. I did some extensive research on video monitors (as I am prone to do) and the Summer Baby touch had the best ratings and reviews across the board. The video screen is about the size of my iphone and it is a touch screen. You can pan and zoom the camera from the monitor. We found one for a great price on ebay about 3 or 4 months before Lillian was born and put it in Taelyn's room. I don't know how I lived without a video monitor when Taelyn was a baby. I would have gotten so much more sleep with her! About a month before Lillian was born we had really gotten used to having a video on Taelyn during the night (even though she doesn't do anything but sleep!), so we thought it would be nice to get a 2nd camera for the monitor. That is another great thing about this monitor - you can have up to 4 cameras. Haylie got us our 2nd camera as a baby gift and it is wonderful! The monitor switches between both cameras throughout the night so I can keep an eye on both girls! I absolutely love it. And the picture is so clear - see for yourself! And this is the picture on the monitor taken with my cell phone!
#6: Miracle Blanket: This is another item that Haylie let me borrow. It is a swaddle blanket, but it has the little cloth tabs to wrap around baby's arms so that they can't break loose! It was featured on the Today show at some point. It has really been great. At first Lillian would squirm when I would start wrapping her up in it, but now she seems to really like it. She is perfectly calm as I wrap her up in it. And she doesn't try to break out (I guess she figured out that she can't!). This isn't Lillian... it is just a good picture from the internet that shows how the blanket works!!
#7: Bebe Au Lait nursing cover: I never used a nursing cover with Taelyn because I was never comfortable to nurse in a place where I would need it! But I knew with Lillian that I would have to get comfortable because with Taelyn I can't just stay in the house all the time the way I did when she was a baby. She needs to get out and get rid of some of her never ending energy. So I got a nursing cover. It's ironic to me that nursing covers are so brightly patterned and colored. Isn't the point of the nursing cover discretion? Well, after some searching I found this white eyelet cover by Bebe Au Lait and I love it. It is double lined but not hot at all for Lillian. I have already used it a ton. It is nice to not feel like I have to leave the room now when people are visiting and Lillian needs to eat. I'm sure it will get a ton of use over the next 11 months (geez... 11 more months until she's one!?).
That's all for now! I'll continue to add to the list!